Bengbu Zhengda Compressor Co., Ltd.

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Liquefied gas compressor operation process

Edit:Bengbu Zhengda Compressor Co., Ltd.UpDate:2023-09-18

Liquefied gas compressor operation process

1. Make sure the belt tension of the liquefied gas compressor is moderate and the gear is flexible.

2. Confirm that the lubricating oil level is within the allowable range of the dipstick and the color composition of the oil is normal.

3. According to the loading and unloading requirements, confirm that the conditions of the storage tanks, pipelines and valves are consistent with the process plan.

4. Open the drain valve to remove the condensate in the gas-liquid separator.

5. After receiving the start notification, open the outlet valve of the liquefied gas compressor and press the start button.

6. When the oil pressure is normal (greater than or equal to 0.15MPa), slowly open the intake valve.

7. When the compressor is operating normally, the oil pressure should be greater than or equal to 0.15MPa, and the inlet and outlet pressure difference should be less than or equal to 0.5MPa.

8. When the liquefied gas compressor is running, the operator must not leave the site and must promptly monitor the various surfaces of the machine to see if they are stable and the temperature is normal.

9. After receiving the shutdown notification, press the stop button. After stopping, close the inlet and outlet valves.

10. Keep operation and shift handover records according to the rules.

11. Remove the belt guard every month to check the belt wear and pulley positioning. If abnormal, report to the team leader to request repair or replacement.

12. Change the lubricating oil every 3 months.

13. Keep the surface, base and floor of the liquefied gas compressor clean and tidy without dust or oil stains.

Analysis and treatment of insufficient exhaust volume. If the suction pipe of the compressor is too long and the filter is seriously blocked, it is necessary to clean the filter on time and replace the suction pipe of the compressor regularly; if the internal parts of the compressor are damaged due to human error during use, the speed of the compressor is reduced, thereby reducing the exhaust volume. It is necessary to strictly abide by the various operating specifications of the compressor to prevent the internal parts of the compressor from being damaged: if the gap between the piston and the cylinder becomes larger due to failure to perform according to the specifications during the installation process, the leakage is increased, and the wrong installation position is corrected before continuing the installation to prevent future failures due to installation problems. The piston ring should be checked and replaced regularly. The piston ring is under high pressure and wear for a long time. After a long time, the piston ring will definitely be worn, so the piston ring must be maintained to ensure the exhaust quality of the compressor.


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