Bengbu Zhengda Compressor Co., Ltd.

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The structure and inspection steps of liquefied gas compressor

Edit:Bengbu Zhengda Compressor Co., Ltd.UpDate:2022-01-04

Liquefied gas compressors are mainly used for loading and unloading of liquefied petroleum gas, emptying tanks, recovering residual gas, filling tanks, recovering residual liquid, etc. They are ideal equipment for liquid transportation and gas recovery. Therefore, they are widely used in LPG storage and distribution stations, gas mixing stations, gasification stations, canning plants, automobile gas stations, etc., especially for large, medium and small LPG stations.

What is the overall structure of the liquefied gas compressor unit?

The motor drives the compressor to operate through a three-angle belt. The gas enters the air intake filter through the 2-position 4-way valve, enters the gas-liquid separator from the filter, flows through the intake pipe from the top of the gas-liquid separator, and enters the intake chamber of the compressor cylinder head. After being compressed in the compressor, the gas flows to the 2-position 4-way valve through the exhaust pipe and the one-way valve, and is then discharged by the 2-position 4-way valve. It should be pointed out here that the function of the 2-position 4-way valve is only to reverse the direction of the airflow on the pipeline. Whether the handle of the 2-position 4-way valve is in the positive position or the reverse position, the airflow direction of the compressor unit will not change.

Check steps before commissioning:

(1) Check whether the compressor crankcase is filled with lubricating oil. The oil level should be at the upper mark of the sight glass. The brand of lubricating oil is: L-DAB100 compressor oil in winter and L-DAB150 compressor oil in summer.

(2) Check whether the connection parts are loose;

(3) Whether the tightness of the triangle belt is appropriate;

(4) Whether the wiring of the explosion-proof motor is correct and whether the grounding wire is in good condition;

(5) Whether the handle of the 2-position 4-way valve is in the correct position (determined according to the operating requirements);

Inspection steps before commissioning liquefied gas compressor

(6) Whether the connection of pipelines and valves is correct, the gas phase pipe is not allowed to be connected with the liquid phase pipe;

(7) Whether the vent pipes on the compressor unit are installed correctly;

(8) Turn the compressor flywheel and listen carefully for any abnormal sounds inside the liquefied gas compressor;

(9) Start the explosion-proof motor to rotate and check whether the rotation direction is correct. The correct rotation direction is: when a person stands at the flywheel end and looks toward the liquefied gas compressor, the flywheel should rotate counterclockwise.

(10) After the hydraulic pressure test of a newly built station, water will remain in the gas pipeline, which should be drained. Otherwise, the water will cause the compressor to stop automatically.