Bengbu Zhengda Compressor Co., Ltd.

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Introduction to the working principle and characteristics of hydrogen compressor

Edit:Bengbu Zhengda Compressor Co., Ltd.UpDate:2022-01-10

Hydrogen compressors can be piston type, diaphragm type, centrifugal type, etc. Hydrogen compressors are important equipment in drying positions. They must be able to work reliably during rectification and installation, and are the focus of electrical maintenance work. Understanding the working principle of hydrogen compressors and problems encountered during maintenance work can help prevent misjudgments, quickly resolve problems, and reduce unplanned equipment shutdowns.

The hydrogen compressor uses compressed air and relies on compressed air to pressurize low-pressure hydrogen. The pressure of low-pressure air is converted into the pressure of high-pressure hydrogen through the hydrogen compressor, and the pressure is infinitely adjustable. The pressure of the pressurized hydrogen can be adjusted by adjusting the pressure of the driving gas source. It can compress low-pressure hydrogen and can be used for laboratory hydrogenation reactions and hydrogen circulation experiments.

Hydrogen compressor has the following characteristics:

(1) The working pressure range is large. Different types of pumps can be used to obtain different pressure areas. The output pressure can be adjusted accordingly by adjusting the input pressure. It can reach extremely high pressure, 300Mpa for liquid and 90Mpa for gas.

(2) Wide flow range. For all types of pumps, only 1Kg of air pressure is required to work stably. At this time, the flow rate obtained can be adjusted to obtain different flow rates after adjusting the air intake.

(3) Easy to control, from simple manual control to complete automatic control.

(4) Automatic restart: no matter what causes the pressure in the pressure-maintaining circuit to drop, it will automatically restart to replenish the leakage pressure and keep the circuit pressure constant.

(5) Safe operation, gas driven, no arc or spark, can be used in dangerous places.

(6) Energy saving can reach 70% because no energy is consumed by maintaining pressure.