Bengbu Zhengda Compressor Co., Ltd.

Sales Department: 0755-3825188 0755-3825333

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Company Fax: 0755-3825255, 3825200

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Composition and installation analysis of carbon monoxide compressor

Edit:Bengbu Zhengda Compressor Co., Ltd.UpDate:2022-08-08

The carbon monoxide compressor is mainly composed of the compressor host, motor, common chassis, gas circuit system, cooling system, lubrication system, instrument operating system, sewage system, electrical system, etc. All components are installed on a common chassis, which is installed on the cement foundation plane. It is a fixed gas supply station. The connecting pipelines between the equipment and the fixing points of the equipment and the base are all detachable. Therefore, this type of compressor is extremely convenient in transportation, installation, operation and maintenance.

1. Fully open the inlet valve of the standby machine, the first stop valve of the outlet, and each circuit valve.

2. Start the standby engine oiler and crank for 15 minutes before disengaging the cranking device.

3. After the electrical appliances are dispatched, the standby main motor is started.

4. Slowly close the valve of the standby machine until the outlet pressure is about 0.12 MPa.

5. Slowly block the standby machine 2 return valve until the 2 return valve is fully closed.

6. Slowly block the 4-way hand valve on site until it is fully closed.

7. The central control will block the 4-return self-adjusting valve of the standby machine according to the delayed inlet pressure, and fully open the standby machine outlet valve after the 4-stage outlet pressure of the standby machine is slightly higher than the inlet pressure of the raw gas compressor by 0.1Mpa.

8. Adjust fuel gas according to scheduling requirements

9. At the same time, slowly open the 4-way self-adjusting valve of the running machine until it is fully open.

10. Slowly close the outlet valve of the running machine. (If the outlet pressure increases, slightly open the 4-way valve on site)

11. Open the 1-return-1, 2-return-1, and 4-return-1 valves in turn according to the inlet pressure delay.

12. Put the carbon monoxide compressor to the fuel gas valve into use according to the dispatch request.