Bengbu Zhengda Compressor Co., Ltd.

Sales Department: 0755-3825188 0755-3825333

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Company Fax: 0755-3825255, 3825200

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Company Address: No. 2581, Shuangdun Road, Huaishang District, Bengbu, Anhui Province

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How Air Compressors Work

Edit:Bengbu Zhengda Compressor Co., Ltd.UpDate:2022-03-24

Air compressors are essential mechanical equipment for homeowners (air conditioners and refrigerators), commercial businesses, jet engines, oil refining industries, manufacturing industries, and the automotive industry. In reality, air compressors have been used in industry for more than a century. It is a multi-talented device used to supply compressed air and\/or power in a specified space. It is used for any purpose in which air is required to be reduced in volume or increased in force.


An air compressor consists of two main parts - the compression mechanism and the power source.

They are available in several types, which are manufactured to meet different requirements. Each type may vary in cryogenic method, compression stage, power source and lubrication. Following are the 3 main types of air compressors:

Reciprocating (Piston) Air Compressor- Uses pistons in compressing the air and keeping it in the tank. Based on the number of compression stages, this type can be single-stage or double-stage. In single stage, one piston is used to compress the air, whereas in double stage, there are 2 pistons used in air compression.

Rotary Air Compressor- This is a volumetric configuration of the same reciprocating compressor. In this type, 2 rotating screw-fitting bolts are being used instead of pistons. As the screws turn towards each other, the air is compacted and pushed into the reservoir.

Centrifugal air compressors- also known as dynamic compressors are suitable when the air needs to be compressed at high speed. In this type, a high-speed spinning impeller increases the speed of the air, which is directed to a diffuser, which moves the air to a velocity effective speed. This compressor requires more energy to operate than 2 compressors.

The device consists of 2 major parts - the compression mechanism and the power source. The compression mechanism can be a piston, blades or impeller that rotates, while the power comes from an electric motor or some other source of energy. The compression mechanism helps in compressing the atmospheric energy from the source of power.

The basic working principle of air compressor is to compress atmospheric air and utilize it as required. During use, atmospheric air is sucked in by the intake valve; more air is automatically pulled in the narrow space by the piston, blades or impeller. As the amount of atmospheric air pulled in the storage tank is added, the pressure automatically rises. In simple language, the atmospheric or free air reduces its volume and increases its force after being squeezed together for the same amount of time. There is a force setting handle which can be manipulated as per the operator's requirement.
