Bengbu Zhengda Compressor Co., Ltd.

Sales Department: 0755-3825188 0755-3825333

Accessories Department: 15955260712

Company Fax: 0755-3825255, 3825200

CNG Department: 13865028777 13865066118

After-sales service: 0755-3825155 0755-3825156

Company Address: No. 2581, Shuangdun Road, Huaishang District, Bengbu, Anhui Province

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Selection criteria for air compressors

Edit:Bengbu Zhengda Compressor Co., Ltd.UpDate:2021-12-29

Air compressor is a general industrial equipment in industrial production, generally used in crude oil, chemical plants, electric power engineering metallurgical industry, mining, engineering construction, light industry, pharmaceutical industry, civil and national defense security units, and has a vital influence in social economy. Therefore, it is particularly important to effectively select the model that meets the requirements of the processing technology and manufacturing equipment, which can greatly reduce the purchase cost of the compressor, and has very important practical significance for saving energy, improving efficiency, relieving corporate pressure, and increasing corporate profits.

To put it simply, to effectively select an air compressor is to fully consider the comprehensive economic and technical indicators such as the project investment of the air compressor unit and the compressor station, as well as the operating costs, so that it meets the standards of economic development, safety, and availability. Generally speaking, there are the following aspects:

1. The flow rate and pressure required by the production process must be met, that is, the operating load point of the compressor (the intersection of the equipment characteristic curve and the compressor performance curve) is always maintained in the high efficiency section, which saves power and is not easy to damage parts.

2. The selected compressor should be small in size, light in weight, cost-effective, and have good performance and high efficiency.

3. It has good anti-vibration performance, stable operation and long service life.

4. Simple structure, convenient operation and easy purchase of spare parts.

5. The selected compressor station has low project investment and low operating cost.